Friday, February 22, 2008

What a Week

I can tell you right now that us cats (Meg excluded) do not like it when the mom person is gone. Don't get me wrong. Dad is awesome. I mean, we got to eat probably three bags of Greenies while she was gone, and I only had to spend one night out in the cold cold February cold (Dad says I asked to be out, but what cat would want to be out in the snow for hours?).

Still. We (again, Meg excluded) were glad when Mom came home. She kinda keeps the routine going here, you know?

And now The Daily Russ is back with a vengeance. Watch out, suckers.


PS: Probably more like "The Weekdaily Russ." Just fyi.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

How do you spell "hanta virus"?

Better look it up just to be safe. I've dragged of lot of mousies (dead and alive) into the house over the years. Probably best to know all the info. They seemed clean and healthy. But you never know.

Mumma is leaving town on Friday. Us catties are a little nervous-slash-excited. Nervous...cuz Dad is in charge of feeding, box cleaning, and um-ee-ums. (This will be a change of routine for him.) Excited...cuz there will be lots of snuggies, lots of boy stuff (like scratching, underwear-only, and chips), and lots of um-ee-ums. Should work in our favor. We're still gonna miss the momster though!


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I guess we should call this "The Week-Daily Russ"

My posting wench apparently forgot about her duties over the weekend. She had the nerve to go snowshoeing on Saturday (which, between you and me? she's totally not cut out for) and then have people over for the Superbowl on Sunday. My weekend was ruined! No posts, very few snuggies, and I spent six hours in the master closet on Sunday hiding from the masses (I'm very personable, but hootin' and hollerin' send me straight to my happy place).

And then? She had to finish editing a book. So she worked all day and all night and all day again... And now she's done. So here I am. Posting for you all. Finally.

I've been trying to get her attention for two days straight. Hul-lO. People are waiting to hear from me.

She finally stopped working at six tonight. I'm hoping we'll be back on track. I take my schedule very seriously.

p.s. Someday I'll tell you about the baby curled up on that coat.